Discover who you really are, so you can live a healthier, more authentic life. Your face shape teaches you about your communication style, symptom tendencies and personality characteristics. Your facial features teach you about your health strengths and weaknesses, genetic tendencies and goes even deeper into your personality.

With your Advanced Diagnosis, you will receive a written report of your facial diagnosis plus a 30-minute phone consultation with Dr. Penny Richardson. She will go over your facial diagnosis in greater depth and give you recommendations for achieving optimal health.

For the most accurate diagnosis, here’s what we need: Three photos of your face (from the neck up) – one from the front, your right profile and your left profile.

  • Neutral expression – Face shapes are easiest to determine when you’re not smiling.
  • Minimal to no makeup – Makeup is designed to cover blemishes and marking, all of which are wonderfully diagnostic.
  • Hair pulled back away from ears and forehead – These two features are significant.
  • Short facial hair, if possible – Long facial hair can make it difficult to assess face shape, chin and jaw.
  • No digital manipulation or filters – We want to see everything, “flaws” and all! (In facial diagnosis, there are no flaws.)
  • Good lighting and camera resolution – The more detail, the better.
  • Have another person take the picture (no selfies), if possible – Selfies can distort certain facial features.